Grace Company Factory Re-Certified Q'nique Machines

Grace Company Factory Re-Certified Q'nique Machines

It has been six years since the Grace Company started producing Block RockiT long-arm quilting machines for Kathy Quilts. The Grace Company's Q'nique brand has been out for about five years. There are times when machines are sent to a show and used a little bit but then the machine gets shipped back to the Grace Company because it wasn't sold as a floor model. These machines can't be sold as brand new machines so the Grace Company has a process where they can check it out and replace any parts that need to be updated so the machine is like new.

There are also machines that have been traded in with our Trade In / Trade Up program that have been previously owned. When these machines are shipped back to the Grace Company they are completely torn down and rebuilt with new parts. The Aluminum case is the only thing that is reused. Because the case is re-used these machines might not look perfectly but mechanically they are brand new which is why they carry the same warranty that the brand new machines have of one year on electrical, two years on mechanical stuff and five years on the aluminum case.  To make things easier, every machine that gets rebuilt gets labeled a Q'nique.

If you are looking for a great long-arm machine at a rock bottom price the Factory Re-Certified Q'nique long-arm machines are worth a look.

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