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Qnique 19 Long-arm Quilter Ruler Base
Detachable table base for using rulers and long-arm machine guides on the Q'nique 19 Long-arm Quilter
Detachable table base for using rulers and long-arm machine guides on the Q'nique 19 Long-arm Quilter
This ruler works with the Block RockiT machines and ruler base.
Oiler Bottle for Q'nique and Block RockiT Longarm Quilting Machines
Lower Optical Encoder for Q'nique and Block RockiT Long-arm Machines
Upper Optical Encoder for Q'nique and Block RockiT long-arm machines
This 10 minute video is packed with a lot of great machine quilting concepts that will help you really make your quilts pop! This video covers the following techniques:
There is a ton more that you can learn from this short video as you watch it over and over. It is a 153 Megabytes so it will fit on a flash drive or you can just save it on your computer.
This video is shot in 1080p HD video so you will be able to see clearly what is going on. This can be viewed on both Windows as well as Apple computers. It will work on tablet devices as well. We have tested it on an iPad 2 and it works very well.
It is for longarm or shortarm quilters. The concepts taught will work on all machine frames.
Use PayPal for the quickest processing. If you use a credit card it will be processed manually at Stylish Fabrics Bernina in Logan Utah. You will receive your download key after we have processed your order.